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A Church Teaching You how To Win!

We Are A Church Teaching You How To Walk In Love, Live By Faith

And Experience God's Prosperity In Every Area Of Your Life!


A Church Teaching You how To Win!

We Are A Church Teaching You How To Walk In Love, Live By Faith

And Experience God's Prosperity In Every Area Of Your Life!


Let’s Connect

Our Mission

The Mission of Fellowship of Champions Church International is to teach the people of God how to WALK IN LOVE, how to LIVE BY FAITH and how to EXPERIENCE GOD’s PROSPERITY in every area of life!



The Vision of Fellowship of Champions Church International is...

  • To be a church that uses the power of love, faith and prayer to impact and alter people’s lives.

  • To be a church that is known for its passionate worship, in which worshipers seek to usher in the presence of God.

  • To lead in the development of mature Christian growth were people are set free from strongholds and addictions.

  • To create opportunities for people to experiment, discover, and utilize their spiritual gifts.

  • To provide ongoing leadership training for the continual development of new leaders for expanding ministries.

Lastly, Fellowship of Champions seeks to provide saint-to-saint ministry that will connect people for the purpose of developing, enhancing, and nurturing relationships within the FOC family and the extended Body of Christ.


You’RE Invited

You’RE Invited

Our services are currently virtual each week except on the dates of our FOC Huddles. Those dates can be found in the Huddle section down below.

The HUDDLE is our monthly in-person gathering where we come together to worship & celebrate Jesus. Service begins at 11:00am for all huddles.

For virtual services we are on Facebook & Youtube During the service times listed above.

Our Physical Location is 2737 N. Old Wire Road, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703


We believe that the family is the building block of the church and society. The family is where Christianity begins. If our Christianity doesn't work in the home, it doesn't work at all. Our highest goal in life is to live before God, starting in our homes. If we can live the Christian life at home we can certainly live it in the world.

We believe in the need for the local church Just as a plant needs to remain in one place long enough to get its roots down before it will bear fruit, so must the Christian do likewise. Membership in a local church is absolutely necessary for accountability, growth, and promotion in the things of God. The times we live in dictate more than ever that we get our roots down into the Lord and in accountable relationships to prepare for the storms ahead of us.

We believe in “Christ-like-ness” and that the test of all ministry, all programs, all preaching, and all prophecy is: does it produce a desire and a hunger to become more like Jesus? God has predestined us to be conformed into the image of His Son. We must beware of the human inclination to just be informed and not transformed into His image.

We support and believe in lifestyle evangelism Statistics show that over 90 percent of all Christians were led to the Lord through a friend or relative. We do believe in and practice special evangelistic outreaches, but the heart of evangelism is individual Christians "going and telling" the people in their world about the saving knowledge of Jesus.



Senior Pastors

Senior Pastors

Pastors Edwin and Shun Strickland

“Never let your past experiences harm your future. Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come.”

This is the heartbeat of the gospel message that Edwin and Shun Strickland have lived and declared throughout for over 20 years. This message has brought hope, help and healing to thousands of people and birthed many sons and daughters into the Kingdom of God. The Strickland’s are a dynamic ministry team, serving together as parents of 5 wonderful children, Pastors, educators, authors, and social activist.  Most of all, they're best friends, fun-loving, and just everyday people who love Jesus and are committed to living with purpose and passion. Edwin and Shun are the founders of Fellowship of Champions Church International, which helps people, discover their identity in Christ so they can live their best and highest life.  Their greatest passion is seeing people recognize their God given dreams and then being equipped and released into their God-given purpose to advance the Kingdom of God.

Pastor Edwin holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Elementary Education, as well as a Masters and Specialist Degree in Education Administration from the University of Arkansas. Pastor Shun has a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Arkansas, a juris doctorate (law degree) from the University of Arkansas School of Law and a Master’s Degree from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. They are both life-long learners who are committed to using their knowledge to equip and empower others.

Pastors Edwin & Shun Strickland

Fellowship of Champions Church

We are called to lead people to the place where they operate proficiently in the biblical principles of love, faith, prosperity, healing, redemption and righteousness and then to the place where they can share those principles with others.
We are called to assist people in becoming rooted, grounded and established in the Word of God by teaching them to give God's Word first place in their lives

We are called to build an army of mature believers, bringing them from infancy to maturity, from religion to reality. We are called to train them to become skillful in the word of righteousness and to stand firm in the spiritual warfare against the kingdom of darkness.




We Gather Once Monthly For In-Person Worship!

As Champions, We Huddle Together To Honor God, Encourage Each Other, And Celebrate Our Victories!

Our NEXT HUDDLE is sunday, April 6th & 20th


make Plans Now To Join Us in 2025


weekly Service Times for 2025


Sunday 9:00am - Praise & Worship with Pastor Kristen Valley at Kristen Valley Worships

Sunday 9:30am - Sunday Celebration with Pastors Edwin & Shun Strickland

Monday 12:00pm - Strategies for Success with Pastor Shun Strickland

Tuesday 12:00pm - EdTalk w/Pastor Strick

Tuesday 7:00pm - “relationships 101” - (SECOND Tuesday of Each Month)

Wednesday 6:00pm - FOC Corporate Prayer

Wednesday 6:15pm - IGNITE Teen Ministry (ages 11-18)

Wednesday 7:00pm - Refresh Bible Study

Friday 6:30am - FOC Corporate Prayer (Champions’ Circle)

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online giving


online giving


"Give... money? Umm..."

Giving money. There is always a stigma around giving money. Whether it is for tithes, ministries, or even just giving up money for things like groceries, most people don't want to let go. We are attached to our money because it pays for the things that we need.

And the thing is, most, most churches (and Fellowship of Champions is no different) don’t like to talk about it much, because we worry that people will think that money is all we care about. But the truth is God talks about money, a lot. The reason is because God knows how money, having it, or not having it, can control a person’s life. We live in a culture driven by money. That’s at least part of the reason God asks us to give a portion of His resources back to Him. He wants us to put our faith into action in the area of our finances, so that He can show us that He can be trusted to provide all that we need, and more!

At Fellowship of Champions our mission is to help people live in God’s will in every area of his or her life, including finances. We want people to experience the freedom that comes through obedience and we have some great resources to help you understand the spiritual significance of giving. We also want to make giving more convenient for everyone. That’s why we’ve provided the option of giving online.

It’s exciting to experience God’s blessings in our lives as we give in obedience to Him, and to know that giving makes us part of the mission to help people discover that it’s not about a religion. It’s about a relationship! Thanks for being a part.


FOC Leadership

FOC Leadership

Our Leaders

Pastor Rafeal Marlow

Rafeal Marlow serves as Assistant Pastor for Fellowship of Champions Church.  Additionally, Rafeal serves as a Regional Director for Arch Ford Non-Traditional Learning where he assists students, parents and families by helping students overcome barriers and navigate pathways to graduation.  He attended the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville and received a Bachelors of Arts in Mathematics. He also attended Arkansas State University where he received a Masters in Educational Leadership and a Education Specialist degree in School Superintendency.  Raf has a heart to serve in any capacity that benefits the Kingdom. He is dedicated to ensuring that God’s people understand the Word of God and can apply it practically in their lives. Raf’s desire is to see people set free to live the abundant life that God has promised.  He loves people and is impassioned for each individual he encounters to experience the fullness of God’s love in every area of their life.

Pastor Kristen Valley

Kristen Valley serves as Worship Pastor for Fellowship of Champions Church. Kristen also serves as the Parent Engagement Professional at Boone Park Elementary School in the North Little Rock School District. She attended the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Human Environmental Sciences with an emphasis in Child Development. Kristen is passionate about worship and leading others to Christ. She believes in equipping the people of God so that they can led lives of worship before the Lord. Kristen believes in creating loving partnerships with others in order to build and form deep relationships that demonstrates the love found in the Kingdom of God.

Elder Niguel Valley

Niguel Valley serves as Elder & Chief Musician for Fellowship of Champions Church. Niguel is a gifted and noted musician with decades of musical experience. He joined the staff of Fellowship of Champions in 2012 teaming with his wife, Pastor Kristen Valley, to enhance and support the music department. Niguel holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management from the University of Phoenix. He also has 20 years of experience in Information Technology space specializing in software engineering and database development. Niguel accepted his call to ministry in 1995 and has served in various ministerial offices to aid the Body of Christ. Niguel is passionate about music and its impact during worship. He believes the minstrel can help or hurt the experience; therefore, he or she must always be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Tenethrea Williams

Pastor Tenethrea Williams serves with the Children’s ministry and as a relationship coach within the Marriage Ministry. She is also a licensed professional counselor and Mindset Coach.  She earned her Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies and a Master of Science in Counseling from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. She also has a post-graduate certificate in marriage and family therapy from the University of Arkansas in Little Rock. She brings 17 years of clinical experience to her clinical repertoire. Tenethrea has worked in various environments including: school based mental health programs, outpatient mental health centers and residential treatment and is now the owner of  her Private Practice. Her passion is working with  children, couples, adults, and families. Tenethrea excels at helping people identify their limiting beliefs and replacing them with empowering beliefs based on the Word of God. Tenethrea is committed to seeing children and adults  learn the Word of God and experience supernatural encounters with Holy Spirit. Tenethrea  has a heart to serve God’s people through teaching practical ways to apply the Word of God to their lives.

Pastor Dr. Shawndra Washington

Shawndra Washington serves as Lead Intercessor for Fellowship of Champions Church and the Dean of Deliverance for Freedom School. She also serves as a health and wellness consultant, coach, strategist and influencer. She received a Bachelors of Science degree in Chemistry from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Shawndra is a skilled intercessor and deliverance minister. Her areas of expertise include teaching how to pray strategically and how to integrate spiritual and health principles to achieve and maintain optimal health. She is most passionate about seeing God’s people live free. Dr. Washington has unique insight and is a gifted teacher who is committed to helping believers to decode, demystify, destigmatize, and deconstruct deliverance in a practical way and ultimately live in freedom.


A Guiding Word for 2025

A Word of Direction for the FOC Partners Through 2025

A Guiding Word for 2025

A Word of Direction for the FOC Partners Through 2025

I, the Lord your God, will show up for you in the midst of strange situations to turn things around for you. Trust me.

What seems unchangeable will shift, what seems impossible will be made possible, for I AM the God of the turnaround, and I will do it because My love for you is relentless. My love for you is unconditional, and My love for you has never failed.

In this year, I will move situations and circumstances just to honor you. Yes, I will honor your faith, your trust, and your obedience to My Word.

This is the season where you will walk in the best of the best. This is because you have believed in Me, and you have received from Me. Know that I am faithful, I am committed, and I will never leave you nor forsake you.

There will be coming days of great stress, but they shall not arrest you in any way, for I AM your guard as well as your guide.  Be not dismayed for the things you see and hear, for the victory I have already assigned to you will surely manifest. I have already ordered it.

So, dismiss fear once and for all! Dismiss it and let it know it doesn’t have dominion. It has no dominion to cause you torment or pain, and no authority to make your life miserable. As you draw nearer and nearer to me, I charge you to keep fear far from you. Do not entertain it and do not tolerate it, for fear has no place in your life.

Take up My Word, take up My name, and move boldly with confidence and peace. Operate with the confidence of a child who knows their rights in the presence of their loving parents. Likewise, operate in this earth knowing the rights I have given you.

Be bold, be fearless, and walk in the authority I have given you, for you are Mine, and I am working everything together for your good. I am in control!



Covenant Partnership

Covenant Partnership

The Rewards of Covenant Partnership

Without the faithfulness of our Worldwide Partners, Fellowship of Champions Church could not do all that God has called us to accomplish. Even so, the rewards of partnership are not one-way.

It doesn't matter if you're the one doing the preaching or if you're the one supporting the preacher, according to 1 Samuel 30:24-25, the reward for the work will be the same:

For as is the share of him who goes into the battle, so shall his share be who stays by the baggage. They shall share alike. – 1 Samuel 30:24 (AMPC)

When you step on the bridge of partnership with FOC, you can expect:

  • Spiritual rewards for the ministry work being done

  • A harvest on financial seed sown

  • The ministry's anointing to operate in your own life.

In addition to these rewards, you'll also receive satisfaction knowing that you are reaching far beyond your personal sphere of influence and impacting people all over the world with our life-saving message.